Popular russian retailer has launched an unmanned delivery of goods on the M-11



Trucks in autopilot mode will be operated 2 flights per day along M-11. One from St. Petersburg to Moscow, the other - in the opposite direction.

It will look something like this: from a warehouse, for example, in St. Petersburg, the cargo is transported by a conventional truck driven by a person, at the entrance to the M-11, in a specified and permitted place, a transfer is carried out to the truck with an autopilot. So the cargo will proceed to Moscow. Further, the goods will be sent to the warehouse again using a truck with a driver.

While the cargo is moving on an autopilot truck, the driver and operator will be in its cab. They will monitor the work of the autopilot and record the data.

Thus, they are going to transport food and some non-food products. After delivery, they will be sold in supermarkets.

It is assumed that by the end of the year unmanned trucks will transport 50 thousand tons of commercial cargo along this route. The goal for next year is to quadruple that number!

So far, cars without drivers will not be allowed on the internal roads of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The main purpose of such transportation will be the testing of unmanned trucks. Experts will calculate how promising these cars are for the economy, how fast delivery can be with their help, and also how safe and environmentally friendly it is.