“Fast shipments”: what is the secret to the success of working with China, and why is it so important for logistics


What do product sales and transactions depend on? Firstly, on the price. And secondly, on the speed of delivery of the product to the warehouse or to the client. Agree, we live in a fast world, and no one wants to wait long for their purchases. In addition, while the product from Russia goes to China, competitors from other countries will have already sold similar goods. And this delivery will be of no use to anyone.


What is the optimal time for shipment?

As experts say, 2-3 weeks for shipment is very long. You need 2-3 days. What is needed for this? - Warehouse capacity. Moreover, it is better to have it in China itself. Without this, it will be practically impossible to compete with other market participants.


What else should you remember?

In addition to contracts, agreements with partners and warehouses, you cannot forget about document flow. Namely, about the requirements that the Chinese side imposes on importers and exporters.

This is, for example, product certification. It is especially important to obtain certificates for food products CIFER

And here is a very important point. For example, if you are engaged in the supply of food products to China, then you must have a certificate. But it is issued to the manufacturer of the product, not the exporter.

Therefore, if you sell and supply your goods to partners from the Celestial Empire, which you also produce, you will need to make a certificate for all products.

And if you act only as a carrier, you will have to request a certificate from the manufacturer.

If it is not there, then Russia will release the cargo, but China will not let it in. And the entire batch will turn into a big problem and additional expenses.

About how to develop logistics?

In order to be able to compete with other suppliers, it is necessary not only to care about the quality of the product, its price, and delivery times. But also about the shipping time.

No one will wait for the goods. If, of course, we are talking about the fact that these goods are available from other manufacturers and suppliers. If your company is, say, in the top 3 for deliveries of a particular product to China, then, of course, you dictate your own rules.

And if not, you will have to adapt, rent warehouses, and build logistics differently.

This is what develops the industry. If everything were simple, there would be no competition, and this is bad for the market. And for the end customer.

If you are ready to change, accept the realities in which everyone works and adapt to them, then trading and delivering products to China can become a good start for you on the path to a large business related to logistics.