A new railway service for the delivery of agricultural products from Russia to China has been launched



In order to deliver products from Russia to China, companies used to use a multimodal method. That is, the goods went by land, then by sea, and then they got into warehouses.

Now the delivery is carried out by direct communication Moscow – Xi'an. The first containers with meat and chicken products have already left the Moscow region and will proceed to their destination through the Kazakh-Chinese border.

The new service will significantly reduce the time of cargo delivery. In addition, it is expected that such flights will be operated weekly. This is a huge plus for business.

After all, China is one of the main buyers of agricultural products from Russia, as well as other food products. That is why countries pay such attention to the delivery of goods by rail.

The advantages of delivery in this way are obvious. First, the speed. There are no traffic jams or unforeseen situations on the tracks. Secondly, the guarantee of the safety of the cargo. Delivery using the routes practically eliminates the risks of spoilage of products. And the new wagons are great for the safety of goods.

It is also worth mentioning about Xi'an. This is a city where the transport and logistics infrastructure is very well developed. There are all the devices for processing large batches of goods, equipped warehouses and everything necessary for the delivery of goods from Russia throughout China.

So the opening of a new delivery method should have a positive impact on the trade turnover between Russia and China and on the entire logistics business.