Trade turnover between Iran and Russia has amounted to $5 billion since the beginning of the year


Such figures in trade turnover between countries have been achieved since the beginning of 2023. And if we count from the beginning of 2022, then trade turnover between countries has increased by 70%.

What goods from Iran are in demand in Russia?

1.Auto parts

Considering that Iran itself produces components, as well as cars, and the products are of good quality, Russians need such goods.

2. Medical products

Here Iran has also excelled in the quality of its products. Plus, the price of drugs is several times lower than their European analogues.

3. Chemical industry products and fertilizers

Agriculture in Iran is in complete order. And the country is ready to export fertilizers and chemicals for this industry. Once again, prices play a key role for Russian buyers.

4. Fruits and vegetables

Iran has always supplied fruits and vegetables to Russia; imports of such products account for more than 60% of all imports. Plus, the country supplies Russia with products made from vegetables and fruits (sweets, dried fruits, etc.)

5. Fabrics and clothes

Also Iran is famous for its fabrics. The country supplies Russia with both finished clothing and blanks for further production of products in the Russian Federation.

What goods from Russia are necessary in Iran?

1. Food products

First of all, these are grains: corn, wheat, barley. Sunflower oil is also in demand.

2. Mineral fertilizers

Yes, Iran needs some mineral fertilizers for use in agriculture. And in Russia there are such fertilizers.

3. Agricultural machinery

Iran is ready to purchase some types of combines and tractors for agriculture.

Plans to increase trade turnover

Both Russia and Iran are committed to continuing cooperation in the areas of logistics and import/export. In addition, thanks to the launch of direct freight trains, the delivery of goods between countries has become cheaper. So, if your company operates in the Logistics industry, this is a great option to start working with suppliers from abroad. There is no doubt that trade between countries will continue to increase. And your company can also participate in this, earn a reputation and additional profit.