The trade turnover between Belarus and Russia for nine months amounted to $35.5 billion.


The partnership between the countries is strengthening every month. From January to September, trade turnover increased by 8%. This year it could break last year's record.

In addition to exporting/importing, countries are also working on the production of goods. For example, Russian business invest in Belarus to open enterprises on the territory of the country that produce import-substituting goods.

Currently, more than 80 Russian entities have trade and economic ties with Belarus. In total, Russian companies have concluded about 4.5 thousand trade contracts with Belarusian partners worth over 100 billion rubles.

What goods from Russia are needed in Belarus?

1. Gas and petroleum products (such deals are carried out by large companies)

2. Equipment, parts for the automotive industry, components for the production of parts (Such products are already interesting for small companies).
Food products (fruits, vegetables, products with a long shelf life). The most interesting niche for farmers/farm owners, representatives of medium and small businesses.

3. Belarus is a great market for those entrepreneurs who are just starting to try their hand at logistics. There is no language barrier with partners, clear market conditions, fast and simple money transfers.

What products from Belarus are popular in Russia?

1.In the first place, of course, is food. Dairy products from Belarus, as well as sausages and meat, are very popular in the Russian Federation. (These goods are attractive to both Belarusian and Russian businessmen. Because there will always be buyers for these products.)

2.In second place is technology. Belarusian companies supply Russia with machines for agriculture and elevators for offices and apartment buildings. (But such products mainly appear in deals of large companies).


Belarus is a country with which Russian business can and should do business. Simple logistics, fast delivery of goods, as well as a growing number of goods have a positive impact on the economies of both countries and on the profits of businesses.


Why does partnership between countries have a positive effect on the economy and logistics?

Through Belarus, Russian goods are sometimes sold to other countries. Thus, brand recognition increases. Considering the growth of trade turnover, it is simply impossible not to take advantage of positive factors.
Moreover, Russian products are well known to the residents of Belarus, and, conversely, Russian customers are accustomed to products from Belarus.

Therefore, there will always be buyers for goods from both countries, and for all categories.