Modern control technologies will improve the work of checkpoints in Russia


What determines the speed at which goods are delivered to your warehouse or home? Of course, from well-structured logistics! But not only. The time it takes for cargo to cross the border also plays an important role.

Agree, it’s unpleasant when delivery is delayed, and a busy border crossing is to blame for this. And in order for everything to work like clockwork and not slow down logistics, border crossings in Russia are being modernized.

For example, last year in the Russian Federation, checkpoints were modernized and 75 checkpoints were equipped with modern equipment.

What is the advantage of technical equipment at border crossings?

1. The time for inspection of transport and cargo is reduced

2. The number of transport traffic per day increases

3. Less problems for delivery drivers

What is required for this?

For example, a new type of portal inspection complexes are now operating at some checkpoints in the Russian Federation.

Their uniqueness is that they provide 100% control of all cargo vehicles that pass across the border. Moreover, they do it very quickly. If we talk about numbers, such a complex allows you to skip 30% per day.

Another advantage of this system is that drivers don’t have to get out of their cars. The radiation level is acceptable according to all standards and does not harm human health.

That is, the car drives up to the crossing, passes the check and immediately moves on.

The second achievement in increasing the speed of trucks passing through checkpoints was the electronic queue.

Over 8 months of operation, more than 110 thousand drivers used the system. Using the system allows you to monitor the movement of traffic through the border crossing and understand the capacity reserves of the checkpoint.

Thanks to this, cars do not accumulate in long queues, and there are no additional delays of cargo at the border.

In the future, they plan to integrate the information systems of government agencies into this system, so that vehicles with goods will be able to cross border crossings even faster.



Experts believe that the faster all checkpoints are modernized, the better it will be for logistics. Because you can develop new paths as much as you like, lay out new routes, introduce new types of transport and develop multimodal methods, but in the end everything can stumble due to the low capacity of the crossings.

The fact that electronic systems are being installed and crossings are being modernized will have a positive effect on the speed of cargo delivery. And the higher the speed, the greater the volume of goods can be delivered per month. This means that end customers can count on more favorable prices.