Russia has simplified the transit of goods from third countries to the EAEU countries


From October 1, when transporting goods through Russia to other EAEU countries, the transit declaration must be filled out not in Russia (as a transit country), but in the country of final sale of the goods. For example, in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan or Armenia.

And this summer, the Russian government simplified the procedure for transit of goods for importers.

Now they do not need to provide security for payment of customs duties and duties. That is, if previously importers had to submit two declarations, now their number has been reduced to one.

The Russian government hopes that this measure will speed up customs procedures and help relieve port congestion, especially in the Far East.


In addition, from October 1, 2023, a new procedure for filling out a transit declaration came into force. It also contains a number of simplifications:

1. The transit declaration can now be filled out in paper or electronic form

2. It has become possible to fill out a transit declaration when transporting cargo by two or more types of transport

3.The transit declaration can now be used when moving international postal items

All changes are aimed at speeding up customs procedures. And this is beneficial for both business and customers. Companies that work in the field of logistics will be able to spend less time preparing documents, and the cargo itself will pass through customs control faster. Consequently, clients will receive cargo much faster.

We would like to remind you that SEQUOIA provides services for foreign trade support and customs clearance. We take care of all issues related to your cargo. We will select a supplier for the goods you need and agree with you on all the details of the transaction. We will check the cargo before sending it to you. We will also prepare all the documents so that the goods quickly and smoothly go through the customs control procedure. You will receive your cargo to your warehouse as quickly as possible and in the best possible condition. You can submit a request and ask questions about logistics here. We always welcome new clients and are aimed at long-term cooperation!