Russia has increased exports of pasta by 20% in 7 months of 2024


In 2023, the volume of global consumption of pasta reached over 34 million tons, which is 2.1% more than in 2022, the Federal State Budgetary Institution Agroexport said in a statement. At the same time, the global supply of pasta amounted to about 8 million tons, and only 1.5% of this volume was accounted for by Russia. The top 3 main exporting countries include: Italy (about 30%), Turkey (over 17%), China (8.5%). Russia ranks 12th in this ranking.

According to the ministry, in 7 months of this year, our country supplied more than 65 thousand tons of pasta to world markets, which is almost 20% more than in the same period last year. The main importers are: 

1st place – Kazakhstan (19.5%)
2nd place – Belarus (19.4%)
3rd place – Turkmenistan (13.8%)

According to preliminary calculations of Agroexport, by 2030 the volume of Russian supplies of pasta may exceed 200 thousand tons.