Russia has started supplying coal to Qatar and Mozambique


Coal exports from Russia continue to expand their geography. The Russian Federation has found new markets for coal. She started exporting it to Qatar and Mozambique.

In the first month, Qatar received 129 thousand tons of Russian coal. The volume of exports to Mozambique turned out to be more modest and amounted to 29 thousand tons. At the same time, it is unclear what type of coal we are talking about – coking or energy.

In addition, in the first half of the year, Moscow resumed coal exports to two other African countries – Tanzania and Tunisia (12 thousand tons each), where deliveries have not been carried out since December 2020 and October 2022, respectively.

Coal shipments in the old directions also increased. So, in Saudi Arabia, Russia supplied 2 times more domestic black gold in the first half of the year: up to 47 thousand tons. And the volume of exports to Israel increased by 21% in 6 months and amounted to 293 thousand tons.

And in April, Russia began supplying coal to China again. Transportation through the North Korean port of Rajin resumed 3 years later.