A regular container train will deliver goods from Guangzhou to Russia


The first train left Guangzhou, China on September 20. It will proceed to the Bely Rast station in the Moscow region. The entire trip will take 15 days. The train will enter Russia through the Zabaikalsky checkpoint. The freight train will arrive at its destination on October 5th.

What can be transported using this type of transport?


All goods that are allowed to be transported by rail. For example, the carriages of the first train from Guangzhou contain clothing, shoes, household appliances and consumer goods.


How often will the train from Guangzhou to Moscow region run?

It is planned to transport goods in this way regularly. For now, 1 train will run per month. In the future the frequency is planned to be increased.


What are the benefits for business?

The launch of a new service for the delivery of goods from China to Russia should, first of all, help small and medium-sized businesses develop. See: RZD Logistics provides the opportunity to rent a container for delivering goods from Guangzhou to Moscow Region or in the opposite direction.

Considering that delivering goods by rail is cheaper than, for example, air delivery, companies can save money on transport.

You can send more goods by train (compared to air transport, again).

And one more advantage of the service: you can transport containers of various types by train. This means that you, as a businessman, can try your hand at delivering goods of various types, even those with which you have not previously worked.

Well, if your business is connected, for example, with the delivery of components or equipment from China, this service is definitely for you. Fast delivery, full package of documents. That is, you will be able to sell the goods immediately after receipt.


What are the benefits for clients?

Firstly, delivery times for goods from China to Russia will be reduced. 15 days is an excellent result. Considering that there are a large number of warehouses in the Moscow Region, we can conclude that all the favorite things from China will arrive to customers as quickly as possible.

Plus, knowing that the price for delivery of goods will be lower, you can count on attractive prices for goods from China.

All goods have documents, that is, even if the client decides to buy a phone, for example, he can be sure that the equipment has passed all the necessary procedures and has all the documents confirming its authenticity.


What about trading between China and Russia?

From January to July, for example, trade turnover between the countries increased by 36.5%. Of course, such growth requires new logistics solutions. And the new direct train from Guangzhou to Moscow Region will be able to transport a sufficient amount of goods.

In addition, as we have already mentioned, if there are much more goods and it is impossible to transport them on one train, the frequency of departures per month will be increased.



The emergence of a new service should increase trade turnover between Russia and China and increase the speed of delivery of goods between countries. Naturally, the direct method of delivering goods by rail will have a positive impact on logistics in general. It will also help businessmen operating in the field of logistics and trade to earn money