Putin proposed to create a transport commission within the framework of BRICS


According to the President of Russia, it is time to create a single body for the development of transport routes between the BRICS countries. Vladimir Putin spoke about this at the plenary session of the summit of this association.

The head of state recalled that the creation of sustainable safe transport routes is a priority task for the BRICS.

"We believe that the time has come to establish a permanent commission on transport within the framework of the BRICS, which would deal not only with the North—South project, but also, more broadly, with the development of logistics and transport corridors," Putin said.

Earlier, he spoke about the urgency of accelerated development of such routes as "North — South", which will connect Russian ports in the northern seas and the Baltic with sea terminals on the coast of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean.

The Russian President noted that Russia intends to reorient its transport and logistics flows to the BRICS countries. After all, these states have shown themselves to be reliable partners. At the same time, he called the Northern Sea Route and the North—South transport corridor through arteries to ensure economically optimal trade routes.