Fakes under the guise of imports from abroad. How not to fall for this trick?


It has been almost a year since the Russian government approved imports from abroad. Now it is allowed to import certain goods into the country without the permission of the copyright holder.

In May 2022, their list was compiled by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. It included:

1) cars and auto parts;

2) technique;

3) clothing;

4) furniture;

5) toys, games and sports equipment;

6) ceramic products;

7) paper and cardboard;

8) equipment for mining and electric power industry, etc.

In general, this is almost all products: from consumer and industrial goods to raw materials. Moreover, such imports are possible only in relation to unfriendly countries. From there, foreign products enter Russia in transit through friendly states (for example, China, Serbia or Armenia). If the goods are included in the list of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, such importation does not need to be coordinated with the copyright holder.