First cargo from Russia delivered to Pakistan across land border


The first cargoes from Russia were delivered to Pakistan through the land border


The consignment of goods arrived in Pakistan from Russia through the Torkham checkpoint. It is located on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. There were legumes, yarn and other goods in two trucks.

Thus, now entrepreneurs can safely import goods from Russia for sale in Pakistan. Or, on the contrary, to export Pakistani products from the country in order to sell them in Russia.

What goods from Pakistan are in demand?

First of all, it is food. Pakistan is known in the markets for its rice, mango, quinoa, as well as meat, vegetables, milk powder and seafood.

Secondly, it is, of course, clothes. Fabrics, textiles, leather products in this country are of excellent quality. Plus, the prices are nicer than in Europe, for example. Those who want to buy ready-made products right away can look at furniture and carpets.

Thirdly, Pakistan produces high-quality equipment for the medical field. These include surgical instruments and accessories for veterinarians.

Fourthly, this country is known for its software. This is a great option for IT companies. Buying a ready-made solution is usually cheaper than developing from scratch.

Fifth, Pakistan is an exporter of building materials. For example, cement. Now, most of it is bought by India. But why not take a closer look at this market.

This is only a small part of the goods and Pakistan, which will find their buyers in Russia. This country is very diverse and seems to be ready to sell products from almost any field. And this should be used. Considering inexpensive, simple and fast delivery, especially by land, this can give an impetus to your business and bring additional profit.




What products can sell well in Pakistan?

Here in the first place, oil and oil products. The country expects supplies from Russia to help meet 35% of the demand for these goods.

Second, it's technique. The country sells well multimedia systems, routers, components for servers, as well as spare parts for cars, agricultural vehicles and electric cars.


Thirdly, these are fertilizers and chemicals for agriculture.

Fourth, it is an industrial raw material. The same yarn, for example.

Deliveries are carried out in accordance with the Convention on International Transport Routes, which provides for the unimpeded delivery of goods by road between countries.

This further facilitates the delivery of goods and positively affects both the trade relations between Pakistan and Russia, as well as business.

By May 2023, trade between the countries increased by almost 50%. And according to experts, it exceeds $760 million.

Given that land transportation has just become available, trading with Pakistan can bring you profit in the near future. After all, if you are one of the first to occupy this niche and offer customers (buyers) a product of good quality, at a price lower than that of other market participants (for example, because you have entered into a profitable supply contract and saved on delivery), then customers will go to you .