A new RailJet logistics service will be launched between Russia and China


RailJet is a so–called baggage train. And it should help Russian exporters in sending goods to China. The point is that goods on such transport will be transported in baggage wagons.

Such a service will be especially relevant for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses who work in the field of cross-border trade. The advantages are obvious: cargo delivery by RailJet is an alternative to air cargo transportation, and cheaper. In addition, goods that are sensitive to delivery times can be transported in baggage cars.

It is also allowed to transport equipment containing lithium-ion batteries on trains (previously such goods were delivered only by sea). Cargo will arrive from Russia to China (or in the opposite direction) in just 5 days! We add to this a reduced cost of delivery (comparing with airplanes, for example) and a permit for the transportation of goods with a limited shelf life.

In fact, everyone should be in the black: trading companies, suppliers, and, of course, customers. The lower the cost of delivery, the "tastier" prices companies can offer to buyers of products.

Recall that in 2023, the trade turnover between Russia and China amounted to more than $ 142 billion. The new cargo delivery service will help to increase trade turnover between the countries, as well as to gain additional profit for logistics-related businesses.