China increased exports of passenger cars to Russia in the first half of the year by 35.4%


This follows from the data of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China. In money, the increase is up to $6.2 billion. Let's figure out what exactly is imported and how you can make a profit for your business on this.

Passenger cars from China

Yes, this is a trend now. If you walk along the streets of large Russian cities, you can increasingly see people in Chinese cars. This has already become commonplace, people are accustomed to the main brands, willingly switch to them. And no one else has questions about such cars in terms of quality and comfort.

Much of the credit for this goes to the designers. Jokes about build quality no longer arise, and manufacturers occupy places in the middle class, and even in luxury.

Trucks and trucks

In June, $298 million worth of trucks were delivered from China to Russia, which was the highest figure since July 2023.

This transport is used in logistics. And of course, international trade depends on its quantity and quality. Russian companies have begun to purchase Chinese transport more often for these purposes. It has already been tested, has proven itself well, and most importantly, there are enough parts on the market. And if not, you can always order more.

Agricultural machinery

Yes, Chinese tractors and combines are also used in this industry. And for a long time. Many farms also have domestic equipment.

I buy Chinese analogues because they are affordable compared to competitors' equipment. In terms of reliability, they are practically no different. Therefore, Russian farms and farms prefer to use them.

Spare parts and components for machines

If we talk about logistics and business, then all of the above is suitable for large businesses. Machines are brought in by dealers or centers, something is delivered to order.

But for those who are engaged in business related to equipment repair or the sale of parts, there will definitely be a place on the market.

Even the most reliable equipment requires maintenance, some parts fail and require replacement. This is where you can make additional profit.


The fact that Chinese cars are gaining popularity in Russia has a positive effect on several areas of life at once. Firstly, Russians receive high-quality cars for personal use. Secondly, logistics receives trucks and trailers for transporting goods. Thirdly, businesses receive an additional opportunity to earn money and introduce their company to the market.