There will be bananas in Russia! And they may become cheaper!


Fans of bananas and athletes who often eat bananas are likely worried that there will be fewer bananas on store shelves. The culprit is the humpback fly, which was found in a batch of bananas from Ecuador. After this, Ecuador and Russia began discussing how they would solve the supply problem and product safety. But there is no need to worry. There will be bananas and that’s why.

Firstly, Russia has excellent trade relations with India. And India is ready to supply bananas to our country, and even already supplies products to certain regions. If we talk about the quality of Indian bananas, even gourmets cannot distinguish their taste from Ecuadorian ones. Moreover, it is also more profitable to deliver bananas from India. After all, the logistics are as simple as possible. This increases the shelf life of the fruits, and also reduces delivery costs. As a result, we get bananas at reduced prices.


Secondly, do not forget about Southeast Asia. Russia does not exclude the import of bananas from countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.


Thirdly, China. This country is the second in the top banana-producing countries in the world. In 2023, China grew 12 million tons of bananas. Knowing the warm relations between the Russian Federation and China, it is worth considering the possibility of importing Chinese bananas into our country.


How was the situation with bananas from Ecuador resolved?

The fruit business is very tied to logistics.Almost all bananas in Russia are Ecuadorian. This country competently collects fruits, stores them and supplies them to the Russian market. The logistics chain is streamlined to the maximum. Moreover, suppliers receive payment for goods (as usual) at the stage of order formation, that is, bananas that are in the sea have already been paid for. Next, they will arrive in the Russian Federation, go through all the necessary procedures and make their way to the shelves in stores.

At the time of the suspension of the import of bananas from Ecuador, many fruits were already in the Russian Federation and were waiting for the moment when the situation would be resolved. Considering that bananas can spoil, they need to be sold faster, which means reduced prices are needed.

After negotiations with experts from Ecuador, Russia resumed the import of bananas from the country, now everything is controlled by Ecuadorian specialists, and they provide guarantees of quality and safety for their products.



There will be no problems with the supply of bananas to the Russian Federation, all difficulties in supply have been overcome, all the fruits are of high quality and just as tasty as before. In addition, the situation with Ecuador influenced the development of plans to import bananas from other countries. So soon fruit from India, Vietnam, Indonesia or China may appear on the shelves. But the fact that such a large banana supplier as Ecuador continues to cooperate with Russia is naturally a big plus, both for business and for end consumers.